A Critque Of Some Metaphors....

a: Chemical bond ~
b: stick

What: "Scientists always construct models with metaphors as simple as possible, such as a chemical bond is like a stick and bond energy is the energy to break the stick. After they built the basic metaphor of bond energy, they started to adjust its value with dissociation energy, reaction enthalpy change and other kinds of data. With scientific advancements, models of chemical bond and bond energy became more and more complex, especially after the development of molecular orbital theory. But we are still using the simple basic metaphor (chemists' most original dream) in our teaching to explain energy changes in reactions." The paper is a discussion of metaphors used to teach basic science concepts and their limitations.

Writer: Rui Wei and Lei Wang
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jul 24 2013 6:59 PM

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